Friday, March 26, 2010

51-year-old girl beaten by three off the rails

Frankfurt --
And once again a case of lack of courage. In Frankfurt on Wednesday evening was a 51-year-old track cyclist beaten and thrashed by three girls from the train onto the platform. No one has helped him.
The three 17 - to 19-year-old girl on Wednesday night zofften violently in the Frankfurt U-Bahn. A passenger interfered in the dispute, was simple.
But he pulled the concentrated aggression of the group itself. The 51-year-old man came up, was the mediator at your side. One of the young people did not hesitate, tore down the 51-year-olds.
At the next station, they threw him off the train, the man cracked his head on a trash can. For the young women is not enough, they followed him, entered on the unarmed man lying on the ground.
Started only when the platoon was alerted, took the girls to his heels.
Shocking: Again, watching several other passengers, was beaten up as the man. But none of that helped.
And advancing as the police, they even went away easily.
The flight of young people did not take long. The officials could arrest a short time later. Your files are already filled with cases of personal injuries and violations of the law on drugs ...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Özkan: Where is my money?

Cologne --
On 12 October 1994 Ozkan Parmaksiz 2500 Mark transferred to the Turkish military - he wanted to redeem themselves from military service.
15 years later, the money has disappeared. Parmaksiz lives since 1975 in Cologne, but retained his Turkish citizenship, and therefore had to also, whenever the his military service in Turkey. "I marched in 1994 for a month, I wanted to ransom for the remaining 14 months," says a father of two.
A total of 10,000 marks, he should, therefore, to fork out 5112 euros, paid the first installment of 2,500 marks, he immediately, the rest he needs until his 38th Have paid birthday.
If not, he can be arrested at an entry into Turkey.
15 years heard nothing of Parmaksiz Turkish state. "And then came the letter from the Consulate General: It was said that the first installment was never received. Here I present the payment receipt for the Cologne Kreissparkasse. "
Should pay the 2,500 mark for the Turkish Ziraat Bank, from where the money should go on to the Central Bank of Turkey. But is it nicht.Wo it is otherwise abgeblieben, can not resolve even when the banks must cancel transfer documents only ten years. Well Kreissparkasse and Ziraat Bank Reference should be made to the other. And Parmakzis money remains disappeared.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Anya - "Bionierin" of Monte Carlo

With the lavish lives in Monaco, the organic loading Anja Plate has little to do. My little shop "Bio-Atlas is simple, with its wooden shelves.
Go in it, covered a bright red tomatoes in the eye. Juicy apples tempted to bite. Warmth and affection towards each stream entering.
That is what Christopher has earned its solid customer base: with a charming, natural nature and warm smile. And of course, with its' selection of special products, "says a regular customer.
Even the rich and aristocrats among their customers. "The pass, however, not himself, but to send their domestic workers. Often I do not know to whom they belong, "the 43-year-old says. A celebrity, however, is personal: millionairess and Baroness Marianne Brandstetter.
As the product is sought after by the Bio-Atlas, is seen at the German Alpine cow's milk. Anja says: "Milk is the winner. The clients I take it by the box from the pallet. "
In the biodynamic cultivation of her friends came 2000, the idea of their own organic food shop. She was ridiculed, and many doubted. Anja has bitten him, and could double its sales last year. Even employees they could, set ", the crowds became so large."
For two years she has competition: A second market opened. "He's running very well. My business, he has not threatened but "says Anja. Although Monaco is available in more and more "organic", Anya does not believe that it has triggered the boom. But it has given the go-ahead to Rhinelander.
Every two months she is in her home on the outskirts of Bonn. Then there's Kolsch - brewed, of course, after the purity requirement.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Patron donates 24 million euros

Dusseldorf - Simply sensational! To make a donation, it has not existed in the history of the Heinrich-Heine-University:
With 24 million euros, the Schwarz-Schuette family business now supports the economics department.
"I've seen in my time as chancellor of the university a lot, but that is something very special for us," beamed on Friday, Professor Ulf Pallme-king. With the money, a new national economic "institution to be established to promote competition in the economy and society."
Objective: The Department should provide more economic importance. These are set in the near future, six new professors.
Addition, to accommodate the Faculty of Economics, a new building, a "Ökonomium", built in the heart of the campus.
The Schwarz-Schuette family is one of the richest business families in Germany. In September 2006 she had her share in the success of companies Monheimer "Schwarz Pharma sold for 1.4 billion euros to the Belgian rival UCB.
Even then, company president Rolf Schwarz-Schütte (was 86) to be very special relationship with money. As thanks for use in the company at Christmas he gave each of his employees $ 10,000. A total of 42 million.
Now the giant donation to the university. Son Patrick Schwarz-Schuette: We could have the money to donate to other universities. But we have an emotional attachment to our city. We make it easy and fun to invest in science. "