Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bruno, this arena is now your cup grave!

Dusseldorf - "This is a dreamless sleep for us, I am very pleased with this hit.
Beautiful it may be for the fans do not. We will certainly have a great backdrop, "Fortune's President Peter Frymuth rejoices in the Kracher against Hamburg in the first DFB Cup main round.
Lady Luck Renate Lingor meant well with the second division Movers, Fortuna gave an extremely challenging task.
"This is simply the traditional club in the Bundesliga. Everything must match that evening. But nothing is impossible. We are good things, "said midfielder Stephen Hoover winner bold.
Not the only one in the team who trusts his outsider force the big surprise coup. Scorers Ranisav Jovanovic: "When the HSV makes the mistake of underestimating us, can Düsseldorf will be grave!"
HSV-new coach Bruno Labbadia has the best memories of Düsseldorf's Cup stadium because he beat here last season with Leverkusen Cottbus, Bayern and Mainz and stormed into the Cup final.
But Fortune's President Peter Frymuth announces: "This is now final, Bruno! Three times you have won us the Cup, not this time! This time, it works like in the league. "
Since the LTU Arena namely Leverkuser fiasco: a victory, four draws and three failures - only 7 points!
Bayer fell from fifth place from ninth place! Fortuna manager Werner Wolf: "At the time no one knows where he stands. The first division is not. As you can beat them, then it would be much harder. "
HSV-captain David Jarolim, "The Fortuna has a very beautiful stadium. Since we must immediately forward to real Cup atmosphere. "
Let's see if he looks ever so if Düsseldorf Fans Bruno's scare-Arena cauldron Fortuna and drive to victory.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Neighboring fires on pregnant women

Bonn / Euskirchen - They stood in the bedroom, as plötzkich three shots pierced the window.
With a gun had neighboring Klaus V. (34) shot a pregnant woman and her boyfriend. Also at the police fired the homeowner. Only the SEC could bring the gunman out of action. Now V is on trial.
Dramatic Scenes in Euskirchen. On 13 December 2008 a special task force besieged a house there. The reason: The homeowner ran amok, banged with a small caliber gun wildly around in the area.
Early in the morning was Klaus V. (all names) in his bathroom, delivered through the open windows on the house across the shots.
Vera H. There was in the bedroom. The 34-year-old teacher: "It was unbelievable. The window shattered. We were completely covered with glass splinters. He shot six times I was six months pregnant. "
Only just missed Klaus V. the pair. A short time later, it almost caught a policeman. V. shot at the officials, the missile struck next to him in a police van.
A special task force could provide the shooter at last. The qualified installer ran outside his home in a quasi policeman's arms. The officials missed a V punch on the nose.
What drove the shooters amok? Klaus V. had shot at the new owners of his home. The ecstasy dealer sentenced (three years jail for thousands of pills) was not satisfied with the sale.
Right knee there was when the new homeowner cut down a 50-year-old tree. Also: His wife left him and took off with their daughter.
Klaus V. is suffering from psychosis. He said on Tuesday the design: "I saw in the house behind the window of a female caricature, a horror-face." The prosecutor wants his training in psychiatry. The trial resumes Thursday.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Luca (twelve days) is Luke's youngest fan

Cologne - for the meeting with the great idol, he was again wrapped extra fresh:
Permit, Luca Peters from Rheine, Lukas Podolski's recent ter-fan 12 days old is the little thing, but you could tell immediately that his heart for the FC and Prince Poldi strikes.
He crowed to the shady park bench-spot during training yet almost all the time, he fell silent at the meeting with Prince Poldi suddenly dozed, with the index finger of the mother in the mouth.
The kölsche superstar had to ask himself not long before his autograph was on the jersey of the baby, that with the same initials (LP) go through life as the idol of his father's. "We are thoroughly FC fans, the weekend have used at times a Geißbockheim stop by, "says Mama Jenni. "All the better that Luke the time for the autograph and the photo was taken as a souvenir. Since the drive has indeed worth it. "

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Park fee with obstacles

Düsseldorf -
This has been the city so finely conceived.
Establish and collect parking meter, but leave the high curbs! This happened at the Prince George Street.
In the parking bays deep gaping holes. At the high curbs to drive the car drivers break the tires.
Horst Kemna (55) from Ratingen tore up with his Mini Cooper, the oil pan and residents Horst Braun (46) claims about tire failures. The District Council had the administration several years ago proposed lowering of the curb between the man and Schmitt Moltke Street, but nothing happened so far.
In the parking is during the day at the Prince George's Street as expensive as on the Kö. Only on the Kö the parking lots are at least good in the shot.
Maria Seiters (33) works at the Prince George's Street: "Apart from the high curbs, up to which one must, it is dangerous to rank when entering or leaving a parking position back and forth."
This Roland Hahn from the Office for Traffic Management: "We will look at it closely and try to remedy the situation."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Drunken with beer crate escape

Dusseldorf - dead drunk is still gestrunzt! Three drunken men are amSonntagmorgen in Dusseldorf with their van plunged into Schlingerngeraten and onto the page.
The drunken trio climbed out of the car and tried the heavy Fahrzeuggemeinsam straightened up again. It went wrong. The men then brought a case of beer out of the car and fled damitin a nearby forest.
They were observed by witnesses. Because they wanted to leave behind their liquid Proviantnicht, the flight came more slowly, as the police said.
Officials were able to take up the drunkards shortly thereafter. One of them was too drunk to leave his breath alcohol measurement. The men had to the police station.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

CDU wants to score points with voters disillusioned SPD

Frankfurt / Main -
At their two-day board retreat in Berlin, which begins this Thursday, the CDU wants in a "Berlin Declaration" means wise, as the party may recover more votes in elections. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the conservative Stammwählerschaft is not in the center of the effort.
As election analysis on behalf of the party leadership showed the CDU bring more, opening up new groups of voters than to strongly bind to some church-Catholics and displaced persons. These groups have become less the outcome are states.
CDU Secretary General Hermann Gröhe told the newspaper: "We must strike a balance between necessary programmatic development and a clear designation of our basic beliefs." Must at the root of voters for the "development of our policy" are advertised, only give it a chance, "new paths also to go together. " Older Union supporters knew "very well that politics are just for their children and grandchildren of today's living conditions must," said Gröhe.
At the end of the conclave to a "Berlin Declaration" pose, where the CDU aims to get votes. In the first place is an attempt by the FDP, the Union had chosen many followers, because they wanted to end the grand coalition. "These voters want to recover them again. Plays our economic and fiscal policy is a particularly important role, "said Gröhe.
The second target group were SPD voters: "Among them there are many disappointed, not the shift to the left of this party want to go. Where we have to make an offer, "said Gröhe.
In third place, he sees potential for the CDU in the Open-voters: "The integrity of creation is a conservative issue that many people is very important. In this respect, we have good chances to win with a convincing environment and climate change policies additional voters for us. "In fourth place, the CDU, the core constituencies in mind. Their approval is not automatic, "said Gröhe. applies for them but most of all, "that we promote the development of our policy and explain this."

Friday, May 7, 2010

Celebrities distinguish themselves on the floor

With singer Roberto Blanco and boxer Arthur Abraham will start on Friday at 20.15 to clock the new Sat.1-dance show "Yes we can dance".
In addition, in the first issue by channel information including swing presenter Monica Ivancan, Comedian Ingo Appelt, Society-Lady Christina "Mausi" Lugner and choirmaster Gotthilf fishermen on the dance floor. Will moderate the live broadcast of Kai plum. Jurors are Désirée Nick, Wigald Boning and Joko Winterscheidt.
Each week will present the prominent candidates, according to the stations' best dance numbers in the world "made dance films, musicals, shows and music videos. Far more than 30 celebrities show solo, as a duo or group a program of "Dirty Dancing" on "Saturday Night Fever" to "Thriller".
At the end is absolutely crucial that all together have fun, "said moderator plum. "Of course it's also about being able to laugh at themselves."
His own dancing skills, according to many plums "probably not for the big stage," but even for domestic use. An "slight sense of rhythm," was there, but there are other people who ruled it particularly well.
Sat.1 announced for "Yes we can dance" five programs plus the final. Per issue Tanzacts six are visible. Originality, passion and humor, according to a count of stations more than perfect footwork. The viewers decide over the phone-voting together with a jury, which candidates are to appear in the final.
RTL had announced several weeks ago to stay with his celebrity dance show "Let's dance." The transmitter wants to focus in the fall at the talent show "The Super Talent".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Power failure at the Airport

Dusseldorf - scary moment at the airport: A power outage has temporarily stopped on Thursday at the Dusseldorf airport baggage conveyors and dieKabinen-monorail skytrain.
 No security necessary for the operations andthe plant had been affected, said port Einflug speakers. Most of the passengers had nichteinmal noticed the disturbance. From the Skytrain trains could be freed 18 passengers nachwenigen minutes.
   Incidents were caused by construction work on the car park 7 of Flughafens.Dabei was a ten-kilovolt power cables were damaged. DieGepäckförderanlage was started up again after a few minutes.
Delays in the release did not give it. Skytrainblieb providing a total of 2.5 hours out of service to avoid umSpannungsspitzen too. A bus replacement market has started.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Borja teaches the fear of Aachen

Aachen - horrible evening for all followers of Alemannia Aachen. With 0:3 (0:1), the Alemannia went under the domestic Tivoli. Mainz is celebrating - and because they have recaptured the place of rise of FC Cologne.
Jörg Schmadke experienced a completely unsuccessful premiere as a coach and sports director in a personal union.
Felix Borja Alemannia taught to fear. In the 24th Minutes submitted to the Ecuadorians, with its goal to 1:0 the foundation for success. In the second section was laid after a double. His season goals and nine acht from the 73rd and 74 Mainz made the success complete.
While celebrating Mainz, Aachen remained from the hoped-for turnaround. In the game one after the dismissal of Champion Guido Buchwald is the Alemannia continue with 19 points table tenth. The trend goes even more in the relegation zone, because the direction of advancement.
18,739 spectators at the Tivoli in continuous rain saw an unequal duel. Schmadtkeverbannte the previous Angriffsduo Lubos Pecka and Todor Kolev aufdie Bank and offered to Marius Ebbers as a lone striker.
The first scoring chance of the Mainz forgave Chadli Amri (22.), who was standing at Aachen goalkeeper Stephan Straub scheiterte.Aufregung it two minutes later for the visitors guide, alsSchiedsrichter Wolfgang Stark after a clash of Borja undStraub rightly decided at the gate.
 After the tour, withdrew the Klopp Elf and Aachenerkämpfte by Lehmann (33.), Fell (41./45.) And milk room (44.) chances to equalize. Even after the break pushed dieHausherren to 1:1 before Borja demDoppelschlag with the Partieentschied.
"In Ecuador, is to me a pack of three, three times gelungen.Ich am delighted that it has now worked in Germany," sagteBorja.
Also of interest
The images from the game Aachen v Mainz

Monday, April 19, 2010

Vodka-drunk! Children in intensive care

Cologne --
They are still children, minors under the law - and they were drinking vodka, went on strike until their bodies - ICU!
Now the police are still searching a Cologne newspaper stand owner, who is said to have sold the friends Dominik, Marcel (both 14) and Jim (13) alcohol. No Short for Short.
Under this slogan for the city police and business people to advertise, so Pänz can not buy alcohol. But unfortunately, not all long stick to it.
Marcel, Dominic and Jim (13) walked into a kiosk at the Berlin Street. "We have pooled our money and sought us out of a bottle of vodka, Gorbachev for 12 euros. The man has not asked for our age still require our identity, "says Jim.
In a side street, they opened the bottle and everyone tried a sip. "I thought it was disgusting and I no longer drink," says Marcel. He watched as his two friends shared the bottle. When she was completely empty, and Jim Dominik stumbled drunk through the area.
Due to the high-proof vodka, the children did not feel the icy cold and supercooled to such an extent that they had later in the hospital only a body temperature of 35 degrees. In conjunction with the alcohol was briefly even life-threatening for the children.
Marcel alone ran home, but Jim broke unconscious together on the way home. His mother, Selma (56): "He was at Children's Hospital Amsterdam street in a coma, had 1.7 per thousand. We were concerned that he did not survive. "Dominik came into the hospital after Schlebusch, he also ended up in intensive care - with 1.9 per thousand. The parents immediately refunded criminal complaint for grievous bodily harm and breach of Minors Act.
Compared with the parents and the police, the kiosk owners, however, denied having sold the vodka to the children. They had the bottle intended to be bought by an adult, so his version. Is she credible? Among the Pänz Dünnwald in the kiosk is considered to be a supply station, where you get "everything". And confirms the 12-year-old Leo (12) to the reporter: "There I often buy cigarettes." The parents are now demanding that the owner gets his license revoked.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not talked down our Festspielhaus

Bonn - rumors buzzing through the city: The Beethoven Festival Hall is too expensive. Or: One of the three sponsoring companies Dax is on the jump.
Or: The city threatened - after the problems with the WCCB - a second financial Dilemma.Jetzt say a politician and a director: stop it! Not talked down our Festspielhaus.
Dr. Stephan Eisel, CDU Bundestag deputy and then a member of the Culture, told the Express: "The Festival Hall is a unique opportunity for the city. But we need to get away from it was just a local event. No, the new house is of national importance. "
Therefore, the financial commitment of Post, Telecom and Postbank, which will build the new temple of the Muses for 75 million euros, do not stand up for consideration.
Eisel: "The three companies want to make the city not a gift. This is a tough public relations for the case: for Goethe, Beethoven is still the world's most famous German and he was born in Bonn, that will be built here, the Festspielhaus.
For the rest, had gone into the architects' competition and other preparatory work already around one million euros. Eisel: "But the ten designs were each rewarded with 50,000 euros."
Ilona Schmiel, director of the Beethoven festival said, with the same clarity to the Express: "We really need a festival hall, which is of worldwide importance of Beethoven's unique needs and recorded with a profile-concept are necessary.
We will succeed not in the medium term to require top ensembles and stars to perform in the Beethoven Hall: The acoustics and her ailing condition are the musicians and the guests can not be expected. "But despite this confession a few questions remain.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

VfL coach fighting for his job

Gummersbach - Advent, Advent, the shack on fire. At VfL Gummersbach be after the failures of the last weeks of raw nerves - otherwise it is hard to explain how at 28:28 in Berlin a sure victory could still be four seconds before the end of the hand.
Wednesday there is the last chance for some peaceful Christmas: The trophy must be a win against TuS Nettelstedt her - otherwise, the pressure on coach Sead Hasanefendic increasing.
"It does not matter whether we win or a difference of ten goals - the main thing we continue to come," said the Bosnians come under fire, had the look on as his team gambled away in Berlin, a four-goal lead in four minutes.
Now it goes to the cast ambitious second division club who comes in the second round, the top team from Lemgo (Saturday at the Lanxess Arena) from the cup has.
CEO Francois-Xavier Houlet: "No one should underestimate the enemy. They have some national players in their ranks. "However, even with a Hasanefendic should continue from the cup. Houlet: "We still have three games in ten days. Since erstmal nothing happens. "

Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Nationwide Interest in Cologne"

Cologne - Cologne exciting hours behind the 99ers and the National Basketball League (BBL). The club is saved, part of the league, however, protest against the action of the association.
In an interview, EXPRESS-BBL managing director, Jan Pommer on the allegations.
Mr. Pommer, clubs are talking about-handed approach of the BBL ... I understand to some degree, the communicative situation was confusing.
 How many clubs have turned to the BBL? Half a dozen. Not all clubs criticize. Many just want an explanation.
 In the BBL website was given Tuesday we officially launched the 99ers from the bekannt.Hier are two main things mixed. There are, according to BBL-exclusion statutes set time limits. These are authentic! For the 99ers, however, we speak of a self-imposed deadline, the BBL and mobile. The fact that the events shortly after 17 clock bar so much, no one could have imagined. It is clear that we have acted entirely legally correct.
Now the new legal form of the Cologne 99ers still accepts werden.Ich see the thing calmly. Finally, a nationwide interest is the fact that Cologne continues to play in the Premier League.

Friday, March 26, 2010

51-year-old girl beaten by three off the rails

Frankfurt --
And once again a case of lack of courage. In Frankfurt on Wednesday evening was a 51-year-old track cyclist beaten and thrashed by three girls from the train onto the platform. No one has helped him.
The three 17 - to 19-year-old girl on Wednesday night zofften violently in the Frankfurt U-Bahn. A passenger interfered in the dispute, was simple.
But he pulled the concentrated aggression of the group itself. The 51-year-old man came up, was the mediator at your side. One of the young people did not hesitate, tore down the 51-year-olds.
At the next station, they threw him off the train, the man cracked his head on a trash can. For the young women is not enough, they followed him, entered on the unarmed man lying on the ground.
Started only when the platoon was alerted, took the girls to his heels.
Shocking: Again, watching several other passengers, was beaten up as the man. But none of that helped.
And advancing as the police, they even went away easily.
The flight of young people did not take long. The officials could arrest a short time later. Your files are already filled with cases of personal injuries and violations of the law on drugs ...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Özkan: Where is my money?

Cologne --
On 12 October 1994 Ozkan Parmaksiz 2500 Mark transferred to the Turkish military - he wanted to redeem themselves from military service.
15 years later, the money has disappeared. Parmaksiz lives since 1975 in Cologne, but retained his Turkish citizenship, and therefore had to also, whenever the his military service in Turkey. "I marched in 1994 for a month, I wanted to ransom for the remaining 14 months," says a father of two.
A total of 10,000 marks, he should, therefore, to fork out 5112 euros, paid the first installment of 2,500 marks, he immediately, the rest he needs until his 38th Have paid birthday.
If not, he can be arrested at an entry into Turkey.
15 years heard nothing of Parmaksiz Turkish state. "And then came the letter from the Consulate General: It was said that the first installment was never received. Here I present the payment receipt for the Cologne Kreissparkasse. "
Should pay the 2,500 mark for the Turkish Ziraat Bank, from where the money should go on to the Central Bank of Turkey. But is it nicht.Wo it is otherwise abgeblieben, can not resolve even when the banks must cancel transfer documents only ten years. Well Kreissparkasse and Ziraat Bank Reference should be made to the other. And Parmakzis money remains disappeared.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Anya - "Bionierin" of Monte Carlo

With the lavish lives in Monaco, the organic loading Anja Plate has little to do. My little shop "Bio-Atlas is simple, with its wooden shelves.
Go in it, covered a bright red tomatoes in the eye. Juicy apples tempted to bite. Warmth and affection towards each stream entering.
That is what Christopher has earned its solid customer base: with a charming, natural nature and warm smile. And of course, with its' selection of special products, "says a regular customer.
Even the rich and aristocrats among their customers. "The pass, however, not himself, but to send their domestic workers. Often I do not know to whom they belong, "the 43-year-old says. A celebrity, however, is personal: millionairess and Baroness Marianne Brandstetter.
As the product is sought after by the Bio-Atlas, is seen at the German Alpine cow's milk. Anja says: "Milk is the winner. The clients I take it by the box from the pallet. "
In the biodynamic cultivation of her friends came 2000, the idea of their own organic food shop. She was ridiculed, and many doubted. Anja has bitten him, and could double its sales last year. Even employees they could, set ", the crowds became so large."
For two years she has competition: A second market opened. "He's running very well. My business, he has not threatened but "says Anja. Although Monaco is available in more and more "organic", Anya does not believe that it has triggered the boom. But it has given the go-ahead to Rhinelander.
Every two months she is in her home on the outskirts of Bonn. Then there's Kolsch - brewed, of course, after the purity requirement.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Patron donates 24 million euros

Dusseldorf - Simply sensational! To make a donation, it has not existed in the history of the Heinrich-Heine-University:
With 24 million euros, the Schwarz-Schuette family business now supports the economics department.
"I've seen in my time as chancellor of the university a lot, but that is something very special for us," beamed on Friday, Professor Ulf Pallme-king. With the money, a new national economic "institution to be established to promote competition in the economy and society."
Objective: The Department should provide more economic importance. These are set in the near future, six new professors.
Addition, to accommodate the Faculty of Economics, a new building, a "Ökonomium", built in the heart of the campus.
The Schwarz-Schuette family is one of the richest business families in Germany. In September 2006 she had her share in the success of companies Monheimer "Schwarz Pharma sold for 1.4 billion euros to the Belgian rival UCB.
Even then, company president Rolf Schwarz-Schütte (was 86) to be very special relationship with money. As thanks for use in the company at Christmas he gave each of his employees $ 10,000. A total of 42 million.
Now the giant donation to the university. Son Patrick Schwarz-Schuette: We could have the money to donate to other universities. But we have an emotional attachment to our city. We make it easy and fun to invest in science. "

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lotis' son (7) in the witness

Cologne - No end in the process for the "murder without a corpse" in sight. Now even the little son (7) was the missing Filipina Lotis K. (heard 33) in the witness stand.
Simon bravely answered questions posed by Judge Heinz inhibitor. The reason students should talk about his memories of his mother. "Mama waved at me," he said from the witness stand to the exclusion of the public.
The little man recalled a farewell scene. His father, Siegfried K. (45), Uncle Wilfried (46) and Auntie Irmgard K. (45) would have picked him up at the home of Lotis, when Simon turned around on the street again, she stood at the window.
When exactly it was that the boy knew tragic loss of his mother in April 2007, Simon has it until processed at this time relatively well. An opinion certified him a perfectly normal development. His foster parents cared for him.
The prosecution wants to convict with Siegfried K. bugs recorded by myself. "We have made them dead," he said to have muttered. "Self-talk can not be exploited," but said K. 's lawyer Christian Lange. The process is already running since September 2008. Open end.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Danica (15) disappeared without a trace

Schwalmtal --
Marianne Müller from Schwalmtal is quite desperate: On Sunday, her daughter Danica (15) disappeared without a trace on the way home.
The mother feared that her daughter was the victim of a crime. Only with difficulty, the 46-year-old mother can suppress their crying spells. With tears in her voice, she reported her daughter Danica. The 15-year-old was driving on Saturday for a friend in Oberhausen.
"On Sunday, they should be around 19.42 clock by train Boisheim. But it never arrived. Where is my daughter? "
The police know it, at least not yet. "We still have no trace of Danica," said Antje Heymans, spokeswoman for the police in the district of Viersen. Marianne Muller does not want to rely solely on the police. "I called all the hospitals that hung at all stations along the route posters. What should I do now? "She asks pleadingly.
Above all, the uncertainty gnaws at her. If ausgebüxt her daughter or she was the victim of a crime? Alarming: "I can not reach them on their two cell phones." On Saturday everything was ok, Danica was with her friend, had reported to the mother. The two girls were shopping at the mall CentrO.
But with the departure in Oberhausen lost the track of the 15-year-olds. "I just hope that it will not come to the wrong person," said Marianne Mueller. Danica is very developed for her age, looks more like a 18-year-old. "And she has a propensity for bad guys."
The fact that her daughter just wanted to run away from home once, does not believe the mother. "She wanted to ride it on Monday." Danica is also usually a girl with many interests, among other things, she plays flute and loves ice skating.
Witnesses, who believe that they had seen the girl who will report to the police in Viersen: Phone 0 21 62 / 3 77-0.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

New "Sex and the City" movie coming

Los Angeles - "Sex and the City" fans can rejoice: It's keep going! The sexy ladies quartet will stand again for a movie together before the camera.
We will therefore continue to have kept the love and sex lives of four New Yorkers, Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda to date.
As director Michael Patrick King, "E! Told Online" are already signed all the contracts. Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon, so they are all back there!
The content of the director, who will also provide the script was still revealed nothing. He was too busy with his own "sex life" is concerned, "he grinned.
In Hollywood insiders there are rumors of a movie debut next year. The principal photography is expected later this summer.
The first feature film for the eponymous TV series was a huge success: over 400 million U.S. dollars, the film had been recorded worldwide last year.
But on opening weekend in the U.S. drew the sex columnist Carrie Bradshaw (Sarah Jessica Parker) and her three attractive girlfriends to cinema-goers over 55 million U.S. dollars from his pocket.
Also in Germany, the four ladies are enjoying great popularity.
And there are more "Sex and the City"-replenishment: Who will play the young Carrie? >

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Corruption at the African Cup?

Accra - sink now the Africa Cup of Nations in international Wettsumpf ...?
Reinhard Fabisch (57) is stunned. The German coach of Benin's national team announced on Thursday a bribery attempt. Two days before the first game of his troops, he was made an offer for match fixing!
 "As an African team came into our hotel and wanted to talk quietly with me in private. It turned out that it was someone from a Wettorganisation from Singapore, "said Fabisch.
The stranger wanted to know from Fabisch dubious whether he had at least two players on the team a relationship of trust to be able to take with them an agreement to game manipulation. The best were the goalkeeper and a defender.
Fabisch: "He came with a specific price. A penalty against us it was worth 20,000 U.S. dollars. "Fabisch Although the" Offer "energetically declined, the Wettpate rang again the next day with him through - without success. Fabisch dryly: "I asked him if he wanted to ruin our sport and launched."
Is the "unbelievable incident" (Fabisch) only one individual in the tournament? EXPRESS listened to in Ghana. Tenor: The African Cup is to be clean - and stay. "Such an experience like Fabisch I have not done here," said Cameroon coach Otto Pfister (70), but surprisingly adds: "In Asia, was such an operation a few years ago alive and well."
 Anthony Baffoe (42), team manager of the Ghana national team: "The tournament runs great, it covered a lot of goals. But the grass height at the opening game was not okay. By any Bestechungsvorwürden or rumors I have heard nothing. "
Winnie Schaefer, Pfister's predecessor in Cameroon (2001-2004), which is not surprising. "I was three years down there, never in that time something has happened. One should not exaggerate the whole thing now. For example, a bribery allegation is not typical for Africa. "

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wuppt Jupp from the cup Didi?

Leverkusen - On Friday Jupp Heynckes rehearsing the real thing. Ironically at the gates of Potsdam near Berlin to film scenes for the Bayer coach is the first door.
In Babelsberg's Dietmar Demuth wants to ensure that ending the premiere for the 64-year-olds in a drama.
The coach of third division is planning a very big cinema. Wuppt Jupp from the cup Didi? "Hopes and dreams are always welcome. I've been in my career never be allowed to participate in a Cup sensation. Maybe we'll turn now with Babelsberg a football fairy tale. "
One managed the now 54 years old ex-pro who kicked for Bayer for four years from 1979 to 1983 and scored in 59 games 14 goals, with FC St. Pauli. "We have defeated as Bundesliga bottom and Nobody large FC Bayern 2:1. At that time the Millerntor wobbled, "recalls Paul, the former coach at the 6th February 2002.
Now, to succeed with the sensation of Babelsberg. Humility: "We have played it in the preparation against Cottbus, Union Berlin and awls, and lost against Ahlen. We will defend ourselves against Leverkusen with hands and feet, because we have not troubled us over the Brandenburg village to make our way to shoot their own fans. "