Thursday, May 13, 2010

CDU wants to score points with voters disillusioned SPD

Frankfurt / Main -
At their two-day board retreat in Berlin, which begins this Thursday, the CDU wants in a "Berlin Declaration" means wise, as the party may recover more votes in elections. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the conservative Stammwählerschaft is not in the center of the effort.
As election analysis on behalf of the party leadership showed the CDU bring more, opening up new groups of voters than to strongly bind to some church-Catholics and displaced persons. These groups have become less the outcome are states.
CDU Secretary General Hermann Gröhe told the newspaper: "We must strike a balance between necessary programmatic development and a clear designation of our basic beliefs." Must at the root of voters for the "development of our policy" are advertised, only give it a chance, "new paths also to go together. " Older Union supporters knew "very well that politics are just for their children and grandchildren of today's living conditions must," said Gröhe.
At the end of the conclave to a "Berlin Declaration" pose, where the CDU aims to get votes. In the first place is an attempt by the FDP, the Union had chosen many followers, because they wanted to end the grand coalition. "These voters want to recover them again. Plays our economic and fiscal policy is a particularly important role, "said Gröhe.
The second target group were SPD voters: "Among them there are many disappointed, not the shift to the left of this party want to go. Where we have to make an offer, "said Gröhe.
In third place, he sees potential for the CDU in the Open-voters: "The integrity of creation is a conservative issue that many people is very important. In this respect, we have good chances to win with a convincing environment and climate change policies additional voters for us. "In fourth place, the CDU, the core constituencies in mind. Their approval is not automatic, "said Gröhe. applies for them but most of all, "that we promote the development of our policy and explain this."