Monday, May 31, 2010

Luca (twelve days) is Luke's youngest fan

Cologne - for the meeting with the great idol, he was again wrapped extra fresh:
Permit, Luca Peters from Rheine, Lukas Podolski's recent ter-fan 12 days old is the little thing, but you could tell immediately that his heart for the FC and Prince Poldi strikes.
He crowed to the shady park bench-spot during training yet almost all the time, he fell silent at the meeting with Prince Poldi suddenly dozed, with the index finger of the mother in the mouth.
The kölsche superstar had to ask himself not long before his autograph was on the jersey of the baby, that with the same initials (LP) go through life as the idol of his father's. "We are thoroughly FC fans, the weekend have used at times a Geißbockheim stop by, "says Mama Jenni. "All the better that Luke the time for the autograph and the photo was taken as a souvenir. Since the drive has indeed worth it. "

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Park fee with obstacles

Düsseldorf -
This has been the city so finely conceived.
Establish and collect parking meter, but leave the high curbs! This happened at the Prince George Street.
In the parking bays deep gaping holes. At the high curbs to drive the car drivers break the tires.
Horst Kemna (55) from Ratingen tore up with his Mini Cooper, the oil pan and residents Horst Braun (46) claims about tire failures. The District Council had the administration several years ago proposed lowering of the curb between the man and Schmitt Moltke Street, but nothing happened so far.
In the parking is during the day at the Prince George's Street as expensive as on the Kö. Only on the Kö the parking lots are at least good in the shot.
Maria Seiters (33) works at the Prince George's Street: "Apart from the high curbs, up to which one must, it is dangerous to rank when entering or leaving a parking position back and forth."
This Roland Hahn from the Office for Traffic Management: "We will look at it closely and try to remedy the situation."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Drunken with beer crate escape

Dusseldorf - dead drunk is still gestrunzt! Three drunken men are amSonntagmorgen in Dusseldorf with their van plunged into Schlingerngeraten and onto the page.
The drunken trio climbed out of the car and tried the heavy Fahrzeuggemeinsam straightened up again. It went wrong. The men then brought a case of beer out of the car and fled damitin a nearby forest.
They were observed by witnesses. Because they wanted to leave behind their liquid Proviantnicht, the flight came more slowly, as the police said.
Officials were able to take up the drunkards shortly thereafter. One of them was too drunk to leave his breath alcohol measurement. The men had to the police station.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

CDU wants to score points with voters disillusioned SPD

Frankfurt / Main -
At their two-day board retreat in Berlin, which begins this Thursday, the CDU wants in a "Berlin Declaration" means wise, as the party may recover more votes in elections. According to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, the conservative Stammwählerschaft is not in the center of the effort.
As election analysis on behalf of the party leadership showed the CDU bring more, opening up new groups of voters than to strongly bind to some church-Catholics and displaced persons. These groups have become less the outcome are states.
CDU Secretary General Hermann Gröhe told the newspaper: "We must strike a balance between necessary programmatic development and a clear designation of our basic beliefs." Must at the root of voters for the "development of our policy" are advertised, only give it a chance, "new paths also to go together. " Older Union supporters knew "very well that politics are just for their children and grandchildren of today's living conditions must," said Gröhe.
At the end of the conclave to a "Berlin Declaration" pose, where the CDU aims to get votes. In the first place is an attempt by the FDP, the Union had chosen many followers, because they wanted to end the grand coalition. "These voters want to recover them again. Plays our economic and fiscal policy is a particularly important role, "said Gröhe.
The second target group were SPD voters: "Among them there are many disappointed, not the shift to the left of this party want to go. Where we have to make an offer, "said Gröhe.
In third place, he sees potential for the CDU in the Open-voters: "The integrity of creation is a conservative issue that many people is very important. In this respect, we have good chances to win with a convincing environment and climate change policies additional voters for us. "In fourth place, the CDU, the core constituencies in mind. Their approval is not automatic, "said Gröhe. applies for them but most of all, "that we promote the development of our policy and explain this."

Friday, May 7, 2010

Celebrities distinguish themselves on the floor

With singer Roberto Blanco and boxer Arthur Abraham will start on Friday at 20.15 to clock the new Sat.1-dance show "Yes we can dance".
In addition, in the first issue by channel information including swing presenter Monica Ivancan, Comedian Ingo Appelt, Society-Lady Christina "Mausi" Lugner and choirmaster Gotthilf fishermen on the dance floor. Will moderate the live broadcast of Kai plum. Jurors are Désirée Nick, Wigald Boning and Joko Winterscheidt.
Each week will present the prominent candidates, according to the stations' best dance numbers in the world "made dance films, musicals, shows and music videos. Far more than 30 celebrities show solo, as a duo or group a program of "Dirty Dancing" on "Saturday Night Fever" to "Thriller".
At the end is absolutely crucial that all together have fun, "said moderator plum. "Of course it's also about being able to laugh at themselves."
His own dancing skills, according to many plums "probably not for the big stage," but even for domestic use. An "slight sense of rhythm," was there, but there are other people who ruled it particularly well.
Sat.1 announced for "Yes we can dance" five programs plus the final. Per issue Tanzacts six are visible. Originality, passion and humor, according to a count of stations more than perfect footwork. The viewers decide over the phone-voting together with a jury, which candidates are to appear in the final.
RTL had announced several weeks ago to stay with his celebrity dance show "Let's dance." The transmitter wants to focus in the fall at the talent show "The Super Talent".

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Power failure at the Airport

Dusseldorf - scary moment at the airport: A power outage has temporarily stopped on Thursday at the Dusseldorf airport baggage conveyors and dieKabinen-monorail skytrain.
 No security necessary for the operations andthe plant had been affected, said port Einflug speakers. Most of the passengers had nichteinmal noticed the disturbance. From the Skytrain trains could be freed 18 passengers nachwenigen minutes.
   Incidents were caused by construction work on the car park 7 of Flughafens.Dabei was a ten-kilovolt power cables were damaged. DieGepäckförderanlage was started up again after a few minutes.
Delays in the release did not give it. Skytrainblieb providing a total of 2.5 hours out of service to avoid umSpannungsspitzen too. A bus replacement market has started.